Islabe, Conference Center

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Islabe Conference Center is situated about 10 km from Bilbao, close to Loui airport. It started in 1966 thanks to the donations and effort of many people of the area.

Welcome to Islabe Conference Center

Islabe Conference Center was opened thanks to the impulse and faith of Saint Josemaría Escriva de Balaguer (Founder of Opus Dei). He visited it and gave the necessary support to carry out this initiative. It started in 1966 thanks to the donations and effort of many people of the area.

The Conference Center hosts retreats, workshops, seminars, classes, conferences and other activities. All the activities are opened to people from all backgrounds, cultures and beliefs. The Spiritual activities offered at Islabe are entrusted to Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Catholic Church, whose aim is to spread the search for sanctity in the midst of the world.



The activities aims at the development of the whole person and invites you to enrich the spirit promoting a lifestyle consistent with one´s own faith.